In Action

Scan4Safety in action on the frontline of the NHS will achieve untold benefits to patient safety, improving people’s experience of acute care.

Patient Safety

Through the tracking of products and people throughout the healthcare supply chain and across hospital estates, clinicians will be better able to ensure the safety and security of the product they are administering.

The former Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Jeremy Hunt, has established patient safety as a key priority during his tenure. Our programme is able to support this initiative through the sharing of consistent product data that enables traceability and improved accuracy through real-time product safety alerts.

Quote / Testimonial:

“93% of implants in the Trust are now tracked to a patient. So, in the event of a future product recall, the affected product can be automatically traced to the patient and appropriate action quickly taken”

Time to care

The implementation of GS1 standards across the NHS was a principle recommendations of the Carter Report, released in 2016. The report highlighted potential savings of £5 billion that could be made from improvements to efficiency, the streamlining of patient pathways and a more positive patient experience through the releasing of clinical time back to care. Scan4Safety offers an opportunity to modernise frontline services.